Stefan Hessel



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Stefan Hessel



Every effort is worth - free public transport for primary school students!

Dear comrades,


We are delighted to inform you that 99% has just won an important battle, owing to our relentless campaigning for a decent and free public transport:

All primary school students have become exempt from paying fees in the public transport!





As you are aware, six months ago the 99% has lunched an advocacy initiative calling for a decent, sustainable and free public transport. An ongoing pressure by many of our supporters has forced the ‘city administration’ to make an important step towards making transport free for all socially vulnerable citizens.

Today they have “granted” that right to primary school students.

Whilst this is a step in a right direction, it is only a partial effort. The remaining categories of people are still waiting for their basic right to move freely to be realised. This includes:

- secondary and tertiary students
- single parents
- carers
- mothers with young children
- housewives
- people with disabilities
- unemployed
- pensioners
- small holder farmers
- and all other vulnerable citizens

Thank you all for your ongoing support!

This victory would not have been possible without your belief in the idea that free public transport is not only possible, but also a growing ecological, and socio-economic necessity.

Lets keep believing and fighting to bring this progressive idea to fruition.

We are 99%

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