Stefan Hessel



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Stefan Hessel



News - Serbia
Occupy the barracks - Mission accomplished!

At noon, a group made of representatives from 20 different civilian organizations, activists and individual supporters has broken into an abandoned military facility 'Dr Archibald Reiss' in Futoska street. The idea is to turn the object into a Civilian Assembly Center.

Occupy the barracks in Novi Sad?

An abandoned military facility 'Dr.Archibald Reiss' (Futoska street, Novi Sad), which is currently the property of the Serbian Army could become the main meeting spot for the citizens of Novi Sad. The initiative to build a Civilian Center in Novi Sad will start on 22.12.2011. at noon, in front of 'Dr.Archibald Reiss' facility - the citizens will march into the facility and occupy it!

Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac - CONNECTING THE DOTS

Serbia is waking up! Niš, Novi Sad and Kragujevac have held local protests for a while now. Check out some of the things that were going on in the gallery PHOTO-VIDEO .

Protest 99%, Beograd, 19.11.2011.

Protest je započet u 15h na Trgu Republike. Posle uvodnog govora pridružilo se nekoliko sugradjana koji su želeli da i oni kažu šta misle. Broj posetilaca protesta je ove subote bio znatno veći nego prošle. Protest je završen uz opomenu policije u 17h. Sledeći skup je zakazan za 26.11.2011. u 15h na Trgu republike. FOTO / VIDEO

Čika Jova i Sterija kažu: Svi na Trg

Kićenje novosadskih spomenika maskama Gaja Fouksa, zapravo je poziv građanima da se u subotu u 15h pojave na protestu "Ogorčenih" na Trgu slobode. Na skoro sve biste i statue u gradu noćas su postavljene maske koje su u poslednje vreme postale simbol antikapitalističkog pokreta u svetu.